hi again, bro's and sis's ^^
i've written this poem today and would like to post it here, together with two beautiful videos of Desparation Band's songs Here in Your Presence and Everlasting God. I hope that you'll be able to meditate on them and make them your prayer of worship to God! the first song describes how it is to be in His presence... the beauty of His peace and how we all fall to our knees when we He captivates us with His love! the second one depicts His everlasting beauty and amazing love ^^ so this is the poem:
Your love
Jesus, my Saviour, my all!
Your never-ending love and everlasting mercy
Makes me want to worship You,
it makes me meditate about my nothingness.
This is why I want to let go, Lord,
And let You pick me up once again.
I feel You watching me compassionately,
With tearful eyes and a broken heart.
The look on Your face softens my heart
And makes me fall to my knees once again.
You are so majestic, Lord,
And yet Your humility shines so brightly!
I feel Your love grasping my soul
And Your peace washing away my every fear.
I also think of the times when I’ve cried
And those which have hardened my heart.
But then You’ve come to my rescue
And saved my inmost being.
You’ve changed my sorrow
Into the light only You are able to give.
You captivate me by the way
You’ve handled my heart with gentleness, Lord,
The way You’ve healed my broken soul!
I lay down on my knees,
And bow down in front of You, My Rock,
Who is and will always be faithful.
I will believe Your promise,
Because You've shown me Your everlasting love.
1 Thesselonians 5: 16-18
16Rejoice always, 17pray without ceasing, 18give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Sunday, January 27
In His presence
Posted by maria angela at 2:17 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 26
hey friendz ^^
Hey =]
hope you're all good! So I've been wanting to start up a blog for a couple of months but this week, I've been feelin the nudge even more =] I'm really hoping that God will be able to touch any person through this blog, even if it's just one person. I really want to help people get closer to our Father, so I'm praying that it happens =]
this week, God has been showing how faithful He is through all you guys, those who've got blogs and also who haven't got. It's so amazing how He works in gentle and yet wonderful ways, ways which cannot be understood by our teeny weeny brains!!And it's beautiful how He's using you all to help one another, it's like a family! And I'm saying it to all of you, thank you for being a great family in which you're letting God work through you and touch each others' hearts! So guys, be happy =D you're all so beautiful and unique in many ways, and you're all trying to let God work through you. man, He must be so proud of His kids =D
Obviously, we do fail and we will fail all over again, but it's always good to let God pick us up and let Him mould us to the individuals He wants us to be! Let it all in His hands, and always remember that freedom is found in surrender. I think that if we don't let go of our past hurts, present stressful things and future worries, we won't really be able to let God work through us to the full... because in a way, these things hinder us... so I encourage all of You to let God show you that He's faithful! Matthew 7: 7-8 says this: 7"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." So don't be afraid to ask!! God has so much in store for all of us!! =D He wants us to ask Him so that He'll show us how wonderful He is and how much He loves us!! =Dyesterday during the adoration, I told God that i really wanted to be His light!! i want to shine and bring glory to God!! like as Bob said in his post written on d 26th. we should all let the Lord's light shine through us and make people ask us what's the thing which makes us shine! and we'll answer them that it's JESUS =D. He will shine, even if we're going through difficult times!! i remember Tutzi sayin something like "God's Light shines through the broken people coz they're the ones who have encountered God and let Him touch them!" so guys I really want to encourage you all to let the light shine in the darkest places =] let's be witnesses!! =D dont worry, Jesus will do the job, u just have to let Him do it =]
as a first post, i hope i've made myself comprehendable lool xD and yes, i'm a person who loves writing lool so i'm sorry if its too long lol xD may our Daddy keeps on blessing you, bro's and sis's!!
this is a vid which complements this post ^^ i love this song haha xD it's shine for You of hillsong united =D
maria angela =]
Posted by maria angela at 8:15 AM 7 comments