Monday, March 31

God WANTS you =) Really, He does!!

hallloo precious children of God!! =D

this morning, i watched Mark's testimony on Ben's blog [ ben =D] and he was talking about his feeling unworthy and that he constantly felt satan telling him that he's just not good enough... God wanted him to start his own ministry, but he felt really scared to get over his fear [cause he's dislexic] but he decided to jump over the edge of the cliff of fear, he decided to leap in faith, even if he couldn't see where he was going!! and one thing which really struck me was what God keeps on telling him every single day: "I don't need you, but I want you!!" God is God, he doesnt need anything cause He's God and has all things, and still... HE WANTS YOU!! try make the emphasis on every single word....

wants you... God, the maker of Heaven and earth, the King of Kings really doesnt need anything, and He still wants us!!
God wants you... He doesn't just think you're sweet to get to know, He doesn't just think that you're an interesting person, He doesn't just like you, but He WANTS you!! :D with all His heart!!! look what a Father we've got aye?!
God wants you... YES, YOU, specifically you!!! He's interested in you, as an individual, as His beloved child!! and He really thinks you're worth dying for, infact He even sent His Son to die for you!! so do know that you're loved with all His heart!!!

so then later on in the day, i was like illa i havent listened to a podcast of Tim Hughes and Al Gordon for about 2 months!! so i decided to go on their worshipcentral podcasts, and my eyes fell on Tim's talk called: The Secret of Success. so i clicked it and started listening to it... illa and it was exactly about what Mark [of casting crowns] was talking about!! Our worth in front of God's eyes!! and it really touched me guys!! i managed to find it on Tim's blog [], so here it is =) read it, dont get discouraged with the length, u'll read it in such little time, i can assure you =P!!! u'll be amazed at what God's telling you, today!!! so here it is :D

The Secret of Succes


. said...

*ahhh i finally read it wohhoo* wow mar ur soo right *referrin to the black pert atm* as iff God needs if heh...He just wants us and that makes it even more btr ahh we are loved XD XD :) yeyyy *sry i is hyper* and the story *referrin to the pinky* is beautiful ahh i love it... i love hw u can get stories from every day life to compare them to hw much God loves us....its like He puts them there so we realise..too bad we dnt always but He puts more than enough situations to let us knw XD ajma Mar i love u xxx cu Gbu gd luck in studyin n *shivers* physics hehe ...i love u very much xxx