Friday, September 11

The Storm

Looking down,
Bright light flashing in the background,
Distant sounds breaking through the silence,
Dark skies surrounding every presence...

...looking up,
Brilliant glimmers of light catching my eyes,
Blasting thunder fascinating my ears,
Skies no longer dull but embellished with ravishing colours.

Maybe the storm we're facing is making everything seem dull, maybe we don't want to see the little messages it's trying to point out to us... but maybe, just maybe, what if they could be of meaning to us? Whatever the scary storm is, whether it's exams, fear, situations of abandonment or suffering... we could decide to keep our heads down, scared of looking up at the sight and trying to deal with it.. but what if we could pluck just some courage and look up?

You might ask, is there a ray of light? a ray of hope? yes, there is light, but not the way we expected it to be, it isn't gleaming out of blue skies, but it's surely light and bright.

Maybe we expected different sounds (maybe help from people we've wanted to get, but did not receive because of one thing or another) but these are surely sounds which might not be frightening, maybe we can enjoy their power, aknowledging them as sounds and knowing we are not deaf...

Maybe we expected something to turn out in a different way, but we were mistaken.. we might have expected resplendant skies, but what if the dark skies had something to give us? they might not be that dark, if we look closely we can see colours, deep shades of blue and red which shine through the white flashes of lightning. but this can only be perceived if we could just decide to risk, face our fears, and lift our heads... are you with me?

You might ask, and what do i get if i look up? Would you like to see the outcome? Have a look:

Saturday, August 1

when silence falls..

summer.. doesn't it bring pictures of fun, hecticness, wild nights with friends, sunny days, plans, non-stopness? but sometimes, silence falls.. and it might tend to hit us hard.. maybe summer is not what we expected, maybe we wanted much more and thought that silence is far from what you want, that silence and calmness in summer is totally not fun, it's not summer at all.. maybe having big expectations and wanting to chuck everything in just three or four months is what we wanted, and we get to see that we didnt manage to do everything for various reasons.. and that might make you bored of your life, it might make you feel dissatisfied of the days which are passing by, or it might make you thirst for even crazier stuff which at the end of the day will not really satisfy you anyway..

what if, maybe, summer was more than just plans, plans and more plans? don't get me wrong, planning is great!! but what if summer is a time of silence too, of relaxation, where you just spend time with yourself and enjoy the simplicities of life? maybe its a time to wake up early and listen to the birds, maybe a time where you can just look at the sun rising from the horizon and really let God marvel you.. maybe it's a time to spend some precious time with people who you rarely spend time with them.. it's like we overrate holidays, personally i do, and i might get disappointed that i'm not flying off cliffs like bunjee jumping.. maybe we need to appreciate moments of calmness, because there we can really look deep inside us, and see what we might need to face one time or another...

personally, i'm a person who just loves being on the go, but likes moments of silence.. but sometimes, silence scares me because it might bring me face to face with realities that i don't wana face and tackle.. but if moments of silence didnt exist, i'd just keep on pushing myself to the edge until i explode, which is really not what i need.. what i know is that God calls me more than ever during these moments of silence.. or maybe it's me who listens more, cause in those hectic moments i'm just too hassled to actually stop and listen. "Peace be still, and know that I am God." (Psalm 46: 10) it's God himself who tells us to get still, to just stop whatever's happening, to actually let go of plans, stress, human beings, and just be there with God..

and at the end of the day, when silence falls, it's God's calming voice which passes through those clouds like bright rays that can warm your heart.. knowing that God can pull me through anything in life just gives me a peace which I'll keep on cherishing for ever.. how beautiful it is to know that i can just lay in His arms, not worrying where to go, what to say or do.. just there, being assured that He's the reason you're living.. that He can give you the fulfilment you really need.. be still, and believe that He is God.. that He can do all things, that He created you for a purpose, that you're given value, that you're His.

Sunday, June 21

He's my Dad!

Aloha everyoneee :)

so summer's here, and exams were quite alright [excluding chemistry and maybe some bio but heq they're alevels.. what could i expect? lool but let's not talk about exams shall we?] so going back to the post's title, i wanted to write this story the priest said today during the homily..

He [the priest] was on his way from Gozo to Malta.. unfortunately, the weather was really bad and the sea was so rough that the captain ordered the passangers to stay inside because the sea could have dragged them all with it.. everyone was really scared and some were even seasick.. but there was this young boy, around 9 years old, running about enthusiastically.. He then told the priest: 'Father I'm not scared ta!' and the priest asked him, 'how come?' The boy answered: 'Cause the captain is my Daddy!'

this really struck me cause it really showed the simplicity and the complete trust the kid had in his father.. i remember when i was around 8 i was rocking on my chair and the chair slipped, so i fell flat on my head and i got dizzy [obviously] but being the kid i was, i didnt know what dizzy meant u know? and when my dad had come home, i felt so secure cause he told me it was going to be alright, that he had gone through it.. and at that point i felt relieved..

now if my earthly father could give me such security through his love, how much security can God, being my heavenly Father who created me and who knows me inside out, offer me? the answer is so so much more! He's more powerful than any earthly thing.. more powerful than a physical storm (going back to today's gospel), even a spiritual one.. and we can be sure that He'll tell us that it'll be alright in the end, because He's passed through pain too.. and throug happiness too.. :)

thanks Father for always giving me what i need, for always being there for me, for never getting annoyed at me when i nudge you and keep asking you for help.. thank You for the father you've chosen for me, i'm so grateful to have him!

God bless you and all the fathers out there! :)

Saturday, May 23

Beauty of Your Peace

for how long shall i keep on worrying? for how long shall i keep on wasting my present because of fear? this is my prayer.. so that we allow God to pour out His peace like beautiful refreshing rivers, always flowing, never stopping.. i know that abundance in life can only be achieved through Him.. the world might make me want to believe otherwise, but it won't make my heart fulfilled.. i pray that God will take me as i am, and fill me up with his passion to love Him and serve Him :)

Tuesday, May 19

just being random

so yesterday week, i start my lovely awaited exams.. i'm ment to be studying right now.. but i really need to let things out lol.. studying has really gotten to me, and it's really not that nice.. all i do is think of studying, working and any methods which will help me study everything before Monday 25th!! its not that nice seeing that they've just given me one day off in a week.. [cause ive got exams on monday, wed, thurs, fri aaaand saturday which is my 17th birthday [not forgetting the next week for chemistry and italian]... oh how will it feel sitting for paper 3 biology on my 17th? lol ajma thats me being really stressed.. probably everyone knows by now cause i've been saying it for the past 2 months lool [yes we've had the time table for two months and im still backwards :S lol o well..

didn't you just love norway's song? :) i wont get into it, cause everyone has probably heard so much about it xD well.. i love it + him O:) lol and now im getting hooked on the following songs form the eurovision [i was never this excited on eurovision songs haha but theres always a first time!] norway, iceland, sweden, estonia, finland, uk, azerbaijan and last but not least bosnia and herzegovina.. maybe some of you didnt like it.. but i just love the tune and the language is realy nice to listen to..

anyway... time is up! i'll have to go and start again.. only 3 weeks left of serious studying and summer 09 will officially start off!! hmm... it feels close but so so far.. prayers would be totaly appreciated, cause mentalness is really close to explode me :S but one thing im clinging on is God's faithfulness.. cause even if my brain isnt faithful, He is and He loves me.. all i need is Him!

God bless dears

Monday, May 4


how many times have we felt ashamed of ourselves? maybe you've shown love to someone who did not return your love? and that made you feel embarassed of having loved them? i hadn't listened to this song in ages, and today it just cropped in my mind.. it must have been God answering me after long nights of questioning and pondering.. i finally believe that i don't need to be ashamed. shame just comes out of satan, like Adam and Eve had felt shame as soon as they had sinned. and Jesus is now showing me that He has helped us get rid of our shame. we're unworthy to stand at His feet, but still He's not embarassed or ashamed of loving a sinner like me.

we don't need to be ashamed of our brokenness, but its a chance of dwelling in God's presence and letting Him heal our broken hearts. there's no need to be ashamed of crying, He's done it before us. there's no need to be ashamed of loving, because He's loved us before we could even love Him.. Allow Him to break the burdens of guilt, shame, stress, anxiety, anger and whatever is pulling you down.. accept yourself as a child of God and allow Him to love you. allow brokenness to be a blessing.

"He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed”

(Luke 4:18).

Friday, May 1

His love makes it worth it

Friday, April 17

True Love!

we were free and made alive, the day the True Love died.

Thursday, April 16

keeping me alive...

It's like I never lived
Before my life with you
So much was missing here
I never even knew
I still picture the place we were
When I fell into your world

My heart is in you
Where you go you carry me
I bleed
If you bleed
Your heart beats
Inside of me
You're keeping me alive

I don't know why feel this way
But something's right
You're like the morning air
Before the light arrives
No more lonely and
No more night

No more secrets to hide
I'll hold you near
Together, we'll never die
Your love is keeping me alive

Thursday, April 9

God's touch

people hurt you
you struggle..
people dismiss you
you stumble..
people reject you
you fall look up
God touches you
you reach out
God embraces you
you cry..
God clothes you
you sob..
God protects you
you weep..
God calms you
you sniff..
God relieves you
you smile..
God healed you

Monday, April 6


hmm have you ever felt lukewarm? sort of you really wana feel something strong, but cant manage? you wana be full of strong passionate emotions, for God and for your loved ones? sometimes during worship i really try to give God my all.. maybe i try too much and end up losing the whole point of simplicity.. sometimes even prayer becomes hard for me cause i'd wana tell God so many things that then i just get lost on how to say it or what to say or the list's sequence..

during the lenten talks, i thought i was missing the whole point of them... but then Fr Ray brought the example of the young man who was told to go by the lake and fill up this container made of hay which was dirty with he was carrying it back home, the water kept leaking through the holes.. but as he kept filling it up, it kept getting cleaner and cleaner.. so even if i might not have felt drastic changes, they've helped me in some way or another.. but sometimes i get scared of getting stuck in this lukewarm phase, where i just sigh and have nostalgia for the past, maybe regretting some things i've done..

i duno, but have you ever felt as though no song can really apply to what ure feeling, or no song can really 'satisfy' your heart's ears? like you've searched anywhere, but you feel as though this rush of love needs to grip you until you finally feel on fire... i really want that passion for Jesus i used to have to come back.. this is my honesty, and i know i couldn't keep it in.. why have i wondered off lately? sometimes i feel as God is out of reach, not cause He doesnt want, but cause its me who cannot reach his outstretched arm...

sometimes i wonder why ive been so lukewarm, not being so passionate to talk about His love to others.. have i been so engrossed in my little world that i've forgotten what going out to spread His word means? is it me who's holding back because of fear of what they might say? but then... i only live once, whats the use of living without risking? sometimes i wish i were young, cause i surely was more daring, more excited to go out there and try new things..

ive got a picture of my sister and i at this playground, where i was walking on this rope bridge and i was scared but i still did so.. in fact my sister kept looking at me with biwilderdness... i also remember myself jumping from one rock to another in this really rocky beach.. i was always so daring, and ready to risk.. now i doubt if i'm still like that, im more careful, maybe even trying to be more guarded... and sometimes i believe something, and i get comments like "its impossible.. you're too naive.. you're not facing reality.. you're always dreaming.." and these might have made me think twice about stuff, not acting on what i believe. for so many times ive tried changing a situation, doing my best to keep myself and the ones around me strong.. and failing to do so has put me in a situation that made me think twice.. it might have given me a sense of being careful, but it has made me doubtful too.. maybe even skeptical.. maybe i need to rediscover that life with God is unpredictable and full of riskful things that will make me feel fulfilled, regardless what the world will tell me..

now i know what the solution to this lukewarm state is...
maybe its time to take another step on that rope bridge of faith...

Sunday, March 29

My desire

the song which i've glady rediscovered :)

Tuesday, March 24

A smile...

A smile is cheaper than electricity,
and yet it sends out more light! :)

So come on with me and let's start lighting up this world by smiling and sending God's love to people! :)

Thursday, March 19

What my heart says...

Hold my heart, Lord,
Heal me from all that breaks me,
Protect me from all that harms me,
Embrace me from all that robs me,
Love me from all that hates me.

Put your light in me,
strengthen me in Your Son, and
Forgive me from what I've done.
Please shine Your face on this fragile soul,
Lead me towards Your path,
and help me in the struggles that I'll face;
so I won't get carried away from You by the current.

Speak to me soft words,
that make me smile, that fill my heart.
Ones which will make me new, so I'll draw close to You.
I'm moving closer to You,
hoping to touch Your cloak.

Love me, Lord,
I need Your love.
I can't separate from You.
Close me in Your arms,
I pray that I won't get dragged away.
You are the rock that witstands this strong current.
The waves will still roar,
but You will never move.
You're unshakeable...
You're here to stay.

Thank You, dear God.
Teach me how to follow You...
I trust in You, my heart says.
And for once, I believe that what it's saying is true.
For once I can say that it's true.

You know how sometimes your heart feels so confused, not knowing what it's feeling, doubting if what you're feeling is what you really want or what you really need... sometimes we might get tricked because of the confusion, but there's one single truth which you might be forgetting? the small truth that's been walking with you ever since you've accepted to follow the Lord.

This is what really struck me today, and i truly feel that it's God who's telling me this.. Even if you might not know what your heart is feeling, there's something which is definately true - that I love you, that you can trust in Me. My heart knows this truth and will keep on hanging to it - that i trust Him. It might be troubled from all that's going on, but the fact that it trusts God is keeping it secure.

Friday, March 13

An Unforgettable Dear...

Today would have been my grandma's 80th birthday, but God chose to call her on the 9th April of 2007. She was such a dear... I'll never forget the beautiful moments my sister and I spent with her, especially when we were young cause we practically lived with them. Her smile used to warm your heart, her laugh used to cheer you up even when you're down in the dumps.. I won't forget the beautiful gentle expression she used to have in her eyes.. Oh how I miss hugging her.. She had such faith in God, and loved with no exceptions, how I wish to be like her, so patient and kind.. She was such a loving mother, sometimes I wonder if I showed her enough gratitude for all the things she had done to me... I wish I could just hug her one more time, and tell her what a great person she's been in my life.. what a blessing she was.. even when she might have forgotten who I am, she never stopped being special to me. I really hope you're reading this nanna Joyce, wishing to see you face to face, but knowing that you're in God's arms makes me peaceful. Please keep my family in your prayers.. love you!

Monday, March 2

The Wonderful Cross

There is beauty in the pain,
there is glory in the shame.

Saturday, February 28

time to blog, isn't it? xD

many things have happened since the 9th, some expected and some unexpected! xD i couldn't have done it without the help of God, be it soiree [which was a grand success by the way :D], be it school, be it everything... and i still can't do it without Him! He's taught me loads, and I'm grateful for that. One thing I wana work on is this: to keep my eyes on Jesus, to follow Him and believe even when I can't see... I'm keeping my focus on Love, and embrace all the experiences God pulls me through. i know i won't regret focusing my life on God, seriously :)

So this song is of Matt Redman, called Worthy, you are worthy and it struck me as soon as i heard it xD and now i wana share it with you :)

Monday, February 9

Forgetting and looking forward..

So today was a totally busy day, from 10-2 and 5-7.30 rehearsals for the most awaited JC SOIREE!! xD i must admit, today we had such a blast!! but now... i'm totally dead lol and i'm planning on studying physics / chemistry for my tests on thurs and fri oh the joy xD so guys book now!! it's this weekend, so get kicking :P :D

so yes... back to the title...

I've opened my bible and Isaiah 43: 18-19 came up:

And the Lord says:
"Forget what happened before,
and do not think about the past.
Look at the new thing I am going to do
It is already happening. Don't you see it?
I will make a road in the desert
and rivers in the dry land"

so God's actually telling us not to worry what things we failed to do, what troubles we've gone through, and start looking ahead of us with faith. School's getting tough, and studying just gets even more vital.. and to be honest, last week i wasn't that pleased with my marks.. i know i should have studied harder, and the tests coming up this week are getting to me... but i don't want fear to block my faith in God, in any circumstance, be it school or people or situations and stuff. so what i'm trying to say is don't get stuck to the bad memories or fears of the past, but let God help you get through them. Let God lead you to His promises... you might be saying that you haven't seen anything change... but hold your horses, have patience. God's timing is not our timing, His ways are not ours. but then who sees the whole picture? isn't it the mighty God? :)

don't forget...
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" (Philippians 4: 13)

don't lose faith, God's already working in your lives! just let Him enter deep and do His job :) He makes all things new! (Rev 21: 5)

ive just found a song of Matt Redman, Tim Hughes and Joel Houston called King of Wonders, and i'd like you to listen to it :) it's beautiful! so go on the link: and click on "download"

one verse which really hit me is:

"King of Wonders, You know the way to our hearts.
The more we see, the more we love You".

Sometimes we might get stuck to a place, where we're suited with our love for God.. and this applies to me too.. but this weekend i realised that i need to thirst more for God, cause love can't just be static, love grows cause it's alive! so our thirst grows as we encounter Him more frequently.. and it's just Him who really knows our hearts, who knows what's totally us and just us. Having a couple of people close at heart is one of the most important factors in our life, but then no one can take His place.. at the end of the day it's Him who has the ability to reach out to our hearts and patch them up together.. only He can really make you whole.

take care friends!
keep close to the One who loves you the most ^^

Thursday, February 5

When hope is lost...

Tuesday, February 3

There He is...

Where there is darkness, there He is,
where there is sadness, there He sits,
where there is hurt, there He stays,

Where there is stress, there He lies,
where there is failure, there He endures,
where there is despair, there He is...
with you.

He never had to stop by,
'cause He was there all along...
Never thinking of leaving you,
but always wanting to stay with you.

Monday, February 2

Questions and more questions :)

1. What time did you get up this morning?
8.00am since i start school at 11 on mondays :)

2. Diamonds or pearls?
Diamonds for sure ^^

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

Twilight <3

4. What is your favourite TV show?
Probably "My Wife and Kids" and "Gossip Girl" xD

5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
cereal or toast

6. What is your middle name?
Caterina and Giuseppina xD

7. What food do you dislike?
i'd like anything, but i don't really fancy ricotta...

8. What is your favourite CD?
This is Our God of Hillsong :)

9. What kind of car do you drive?
maria is currently 16 and does not drive.. but i'd like a Ford Ka xD

10. Favourite sandwich?
ham and cheddar :D

11. What characteristic do you deslike?
wahat? :S

12. Favourite item of clothing?
skirts xD

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?

14. Favourite brand of clothing?
it's probably Tally Weijl xD

15. Where would you retire to?
mount st Joseph xD

16. What was your most recent memorable birthday?
i think my 13th :)

17. Favourite sport to watch?
footy or volleyball

19. Person you expect to … ?
dot dot dot?
20. and 21. went for a weekend break together, so we shall skip them...

22. Are you a morning person or a night person?
both, but if u mean studying-wise, i'm a night person most probably

23. What is your shoe size?

24. Pets?

25. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share?
GREASY BUSINESS - JC SOIREE on the 13-15 February!! come watch us and join the fun :D

26. What did you want to be when you were little?
a doctor, and this hasn't changed ever since i was 8!!

27. How are you today?
i'm fine ^^

29. What is your favourite flower?
Gerbera :)

30. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
12th August!!! SOUL SURVIVOR :D

31. went to join 20 and 21 xD

32. What is your full name?
Maria Angela Grima

33. What are you listening to right now?
You and me of lifehouse :) [shout out to clara xD]

34. What was the last thing you ate?

35. Do you wish on stars?
on shooting ones, but just for fun

36. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
tourqoise or purple :)

37. how’s the weather right now?
quite cold..

38. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
my dear mother ^^

39. Favourite soft drink?
coke man!! xD

40. Favourite restaurant?

41. Hair colour?

42. What was your favourite toy as a child?
hmm... i think my soft toys xD

43. Summer or winter?
both, but summer's awesome xD

44. Hugs or kisses?
i'm a hug-lover xD

45. Chocolate or Vanilla?
chocolate, chocolate and chocolate :P

46. Coffee or tea?
hot chocolate counts? xD

47. Do you want your friends to email you back?
up to them xD

48. When was the last time you cried?
around 2 weeks ago..

49. What is under your bed?
shoes and some dust [just some lol u no not dat much xD]

50. What did you do last night?
enjoyed a birthday party of one of my dgrp buddies :)

51. What are you afraid of?
losing a really close person or hurting them..

52. Salty or sweet?
sweet, but i do like salty stuff

53. How many keys on your key ring?

54. How many years at your current job?
hmm probably 7-10 years! :O

55. Favourite day of the week?
this might be friday or saturday xD

56. How many towns have you lived in?

57. Do you make friends easily?
yeah quite :) i love socialising..

58. How many people will you send this to?
none lol

60. Do you like finding out all this stuff about your friends?
it's fun seeing what they say and gettin to know them more :)

Sunday, January 25

Being tagged can be fun :P

now this is the tag response to Achie's Google Verb meme post xD

Q: Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search.
Q: Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search.
Q: Type in "[your name] says" in Google search.
Q: Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search.
Q: Type in "[your name] does" in Google search.
Q: Type in "[your name] hates" in Google search.
Q: Type in "[your name] asks" in Google search.
Q: Type in "[your name] likes " in Google search.
Q: Type in "[your name] eats " in Google search.
Q: Type in "[your name] wears " in Google search.
Q: Type in "[your name] was arrested for" in Google Search.
Q: Type in "[your name] loves" in Google Search.


A: Maria Angela needs prayers [wouldn't be false xD]
A: Maria Angela looks like a model [sure :P]
A: Maria Angela says photography and soprano [seriously.. this thing knows me?! xD]
A: Maria Angela wants an attorney general of texas [not that I'm aware of..]
A: Maria Angela does photography [i'd love to :)]
A: Maria Angela hates myspace [not really..]
A: Maria Angela asks life is beautiful [lol my blog came up as the first thing xD]
A: Maria Angela likes astronomy [i love it! :O]
A: Maria Angela eats bikini [??]
A: Maria Angela wears sandals [this time i had to search on pics xD]
A: Maria Angela was arrested for friends of ours [:S]
A: Maria Angela loves Damien [i dont even know anyone called Damien xD]

enjoy it everyone xD

Wednesday, January 21

The Heart of Life

Pain throws your heart to the ground,
Love turns the whole thing around.
No, it won't go all the way it should,
But I know the Heart of life is good...

Tuesday, January 20


Would you like it if a person you love so dearly would always love you, whatever comes in the way? Isn't this what we all want? To be loved and appreciated by our loved ones, never having to worry whether they like us when we wake up, whether they like us when our (girls XD) eye liner is smudged, without worrying whether they still love us after enduring a very embarassing moment? wouldn't it be great if we're carefree, not worrying if the person is going to change his mind about us?

Maybe sometimes, teachers might change their opinion about you if you havent reached the high standard they've been expecting... But don't worry, "The Lord does not change" (Mal. 3:6)

Maybe sometimes, people claim to be your friends but act the contrary when they aren't around you... take courage, "Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Heb. 13:8).

Maybe sometimes, your crush seems to like you but the next day they set eyes on someone else... Hold fast, "God's word is settled in heaven; it will not change."(Ps. 119:89)

This is true because:
"38 ...neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord!" (Romans 8: 38-39)

This is what God's been showing me: that with Him, I can forget all these worries... He's unchanging and my stability can only be reached through Him. Sometimes we tend to worry too much about these, but forget that what counts most is what God thinks. We might not be perfect in people's eyes, but we're irreplaceable in God's. People's thoughts about us might change, but God will see what there is deep down in our hearts.

quoting what I put on the last post regarding God's facebook:

God is unchanging.

Going back several years, my favourite band used to sing 'Everything Changes But You'. They were singing about some girl but that's rubbish as none of us stay the same -we go up and down, have good moods and bad moods the only one we could ever say 'everything changes but you' of is God. Malachi 3.6 says 'I, Yahweh, do not change' and in Hebrews 13v8 we read that Jesus is the same, yesterday and today and forever.

Being around someone who is utterly consistent is so safe and peaceful because we don't have to worry about where we stand or what's going to be thrown our way. And that's what we have in all perfection in our God. As we approach him in prayer and worship we don't have to worry that he might be in a bad mood with us today - we know our God is unchanging, always the same.

tc friends,
and keep close to the One who loves you the most :)

Thursday, January 15


this song just says it all!
My Soul is Complete in Jesus :)

Sunday, January 11

facebook!! xD

Well, seeing that we're all obsessed with facebook, I wanted to post something tied to it, maybe we could all understand something more about God... This might help us to learn something new or remember about something God showed us ages ago and we kinda forgot it or let go of it..maybe sometimes He seems distant, but He's also got a facebook :P so keep in contact with Him ;)

What is God's Facebook status?
Ali Martin [soul survivor]

I have to confess to being totally addicted to Facebook and particularly to reading my friend's status updates. It got me thinking; if God had a Facebook what would his status be? He remains the same, so it wouldn't be a case of one day he was feeling this and another day feeling that but what are some of the things he could put as his status? There are so many characteristics of God (you could literally spend the rest of your life looking at who God is!) I thought I'd pick eight of my favourite ones could be used as God's status.

God is faithful
As I started looking at all the references to God's faithfulness in the book of Psalms I had to give up there were literally dozens and dozens of them. This book of worship talks about God being faithful in all he does, his faithfulness being so infinite it reaches to the skies and God's faithfulness being a defensive shield.

So what's so exciting about faithfulness? It's essential to a healthy relationship but we know we're not able to stay faithful to God. Proverbs 20.6 says 'Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find?' We are by nature flighty and fickle but God is completely faithful to us and that's what keeps us in relationship with him. The amazing promise in 2 Timothy 2:13 is that even if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.

God is unchanging

Going back several years, my favourite band used to sing 'Everything Changes But You'. They were singing about some girl but that's rubbish as none of us stay the same -we go up and down, have good moods and bad moods the only one we could ever say 'everything changes but you' of is God. Malachi 3.6 says 'I, Yahweh, do not change' and in Hebrews 13v8 we read that Jesus is the same, yesterday and today and forever.

Being around someone who is utterly consistent is so safe and peaceful because we don't have to worry about where we stand or what's going to be thrown our way. And that's what we have in all perfection in our God. As we approach him in prayer and worship we don't have to worry that he might be in a bad mood with us today - we know our God is unchanging, always the same.

God is the rock

As we look through the Bible we find tonnes of references to God being a rock but why do we celebrate that? In the bible the words 'rock' and 'refuge' (or fortress) often go together or are used interchangeably. We talk about God being the Rock on which we stand (e.g. Psalm 20v2) meaning he is secure and dependable, a safe place of shelter and protection that does not move. The ground is constantly moving beneath our feet and things can go from great to awful overnight as well as turn around for the better in an instant. We can't count on anything but God. He is our safe ground on which we stand firm, our hiding place of security, so that while everything else is changing and moving around us we can know his peace.

God is mighty to save

This summer we saw 2400 young people become Christians at our events which completely blew us away. So who was responsible? Was it all of you who had the courage to bring your non-Christian friends? (We think you rock by the way!) Was it J John who shared the gospel so well? Was it us at Soul Survivor who can take credit? Of course not. It's only God who can rescue people from sin and give them new life and new hope. It's our God who is mighty to save, our God who had a plan for salvation right from the beginning, our God who forgives and offers mercy freely. As Zephaniah 3v17 says: The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save.

God is forgiving

In Daniel 9:9 it says 'The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him' and I think this so important in our understanding of a forgiving God. Too often we listen to the lies of the enemy who will try and convince us that this time God can't forgive us as we've gone too far or exhausted God's forgiveness. But the eternal truth of the Bible, the eternal character of God is that he is forgiving and as we have seen he doesn't change. God is always forgiving.

God is patient

While God is patient, I'm definitely not. When I want something I want it now. I'm rubbish at taking the long view, at waiting and seeing, and holding on. And although I know that lack of patience is a particular weakness of mine, I think a lot of us struggle with this. But God doesn't. He can hold on and wait and give us time while we work things out, in fact 1 Timothy 1v16 talks about his 'unlimited patience'. He doesn't lose his temper when we fail, he doesn't get frustrated when it takes us a while to work simple things out: like the fact that he loves us and knows what's best for us. He isn't drumming his fingers, sighing loudly, fidgeting in his throne. If we are ignoring him, he is waiting patiently for us. If we are making mistakes, he is patient with us while we learn. If we are frustrated with ourselves he is not. As we stumble and fumble our way through life our God is and always will be patient with us. And thankfully patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit and he is able to grow it in us too!

God is compassionate

Psalm 103:8 says: The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. This means he feels and is moved by what he sees and hears. We read in the gospels that Jesus had compassion for many including the sick, the people of Israel because they were like sheep without a shepherd and even the hungry! (I like that!) Jesus shows us that our God is compassionate He engages with what is happening. He is moved by the cries of his people, by the things that trouble us. We don't pray to someone who is dispassionate, unfeeling or separate but his heart is involved.

God is perfect

Lastly, God is perfect and he is always right.

We tend to think that our view is the right view but God knows his is the right view all of the time. Deuteronomy 32v4 says: He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. Everything God has ever done is right and perfect not once making a mistake, not once compromising, not once just slightly off centre he is always right, totally perfect in all his ways and all his actions.

This is just a glimpse of the God we worship and we're hoping to cover a few more of his characteristics in other articles over the next few months. One thing I found amazing as I wrote this is that so much of the Old Testament is where we find the proclamation of who God is and so much of the New Testaments backs that up but then assures us that he is making us more like him. We see in Galatians the fruit of the Spirit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control all amazing characteristics of God and we have the knowledge that with our cooperation he is growing and developing that very same fruit in us. We belong to an amazing God and (for our last Facebook status), God is in the business of transforming us into his likeness.

Saturday, January 10

Sometimes I ask...

Sometimes I ask,
how I could change a situation,
how I could prove something to someone,
hoping that it'll never be the same anymore.

Sometimes I ask,
if I can make a difference,
be it in my life or in someone else's...
What if it's a matter of life or death?
Would I be able to say what I think,
without worrying about the consequences..
finally releasing a sigh of relief,
finally feeling a sense of peace blowing through my heart.

Sometimes I ask,
whether I'm doing what I'm asked to do,
or whether I'm escaping from what I truly want.

Would a simple word say it all,
or do I have to liberate all that's inside?
But then again, I ask if it would have been useful,
if it would have changed something, even a simple perception.

One thing I'm sure of,
it is that Word I am called to live.
All I know is this...
To keep loving with my whole self,
believing that the situation is not in my hands,
but in my Father's.

Maybe words will not change anything,
but the silent word love can change something.

Friday, January 9

2 Cor 4: 16-18

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal

Monday, January 5

Cry in my Heart

Sunday, January 4

new year!! :)

I'm so excited for this year, seriously! I feel it's like something special, something different. 2008 was a busy year full of experiences, some were heart-breaking, but some were so fulfilling and breath-taking. I thank God for all that happened, I've learnt a lot and He's held my hand all along even if sometimes it wasn't that clear to me. Sometimes it's so sad how I take His blessings that for granted. He's given me every single heart beat, and He's been so faithful and true, so genuine.. who could be as loving as Love itself? He never left my side, and now I wonder why sometimes I let myself walk alone, thinking I'd do it all alone.. and yet it's those times which make me realise that without Him I'd crumble and dissolve in all the stressful stuff of life...

Now I'm excited for 2009, I want to learn something new every single day. I feel that it isn't just another boring year, cause I know God wants me to walk with Him all along. This is what He wants us to do :) He's got so many new surprises waiting for us, new opportunities, new teachings and new experiences... This year, I don't want to get tied down by fear, but I'm going to try walk with Him even if I'd have to jump into blank space. I'm gona keep on trying and trying, I want to learn how to trust Him and delight in Him.. That's what my resolution is going to be :)

blessings friends ^^ :)
and happy new year xD