heeeeeeeyyyyy “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). There’s a reason for His timing: God longs to have everyone with Him throughout eternity, so He’s patiently extending His Son’s return so more people can place their faith in Him. Meanwhile Back at the Ranch Maybe you’ve heard someone say, “Live today as though it were your last day on earth.” Why not transfer that thinking to Christ’s promise to return? If you knew beyond all doubt that Christ would return before midnight tomorrow, what would you do differently today? The real issue isn’t when. The issue is: He’s coming back! So let that fact determine your lifestyle. Unpacking That Reality Draw intimately to Him. When Christ returns, you don’t want to seem like a casual acquaintance; you want to know Him deeply. You’ll want to welcome Him with open arms and feel intricately entwined with Him as your Savior. So deepen your relationship with Him now through reading your Bible and praying consistently. Make things right. If there’s a problem between you and another person, determine to make peace. Follow the Bible’s advice: “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry” (Ephesians 4:26). Be vocal about your faith. Think of your loved ones who don’t have a personal relationship with Christ. Your desire is that they’ll spend eternity with God! So talk openly about the difference He’s made in your own life and how they, too, can live forever with Him. Focus on what matters. Spend your time and energy on things that make a difference so when He returns He’ll be proud of what He sees you doing. Get involved in a ministry. Consider serving at your local soup kitchen. Tutor someone. Start a Bible study and accountability group. Today Could Be the Day
lol im happy coz its valentines day and its a special day of lovers xD and im loving it haha xD coz i've got the most amazing Lover one can have!!! :D oh yea!! xD sooo... i found this while searching on briomag!! its awesome guys =D read read xP
How Does Christ's Return Affect Me? Christ told His followers to wait and watch for His return. We know God keeps His promises, but why is He taking such a long time with this one?
Jesus’ coming back to Planet Earth someday is absolute truth. As Christians, we know beyond all doubt this WILL happen! So it makes sense that if we’re truly committed to Him, it will affect how we live each day.
To truly live today as if Christ’s return is imminent should encourage you to:
Yes, Christ could return before your next meal. The issue again, though, isn’t WHEN He’s coming back, but that He IS returning! Because you know that’s as true and sure as the blood flowing through your veins, let it make a difference in how you live today.
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