Tuesday, February 26

Worship the Lord [Al Gordon]

hey there beloved children of God ^^

i've made a video of this song today...it's just wonderful if you ask me!! do make it your own prayer, and really think about Jesus' indescribable beauty... cause when you think about it, nothing is more beautiful than Him!! yesterday during worship, i felt so peaceful in front of Jesus' feet.. i haven't really been feeling anything lately, but yesterday, although it was brief, it was lovely ^^

praise the Lord, even through the storm, cause you'll be experiencing the real reason for suffering which makes it worth it in the end.. i agree, it's hard to believe, even lately it's been more for me... but i think that the best thing to do is to bow down on your knees and really open the door for God to enter!! as fr ray said yesterday, the first words He'll tell you are: Don't be afraid! Come, have courage! and He'll embrace you so dearly!!

one thing which i've learnt is this: that if u want to be happy, think about the things which will lead you to be happy..i've been searching for happiness, but then while i was praying i realized that i need to search for God!! and then happiness will come afterwards... the most important thing is to search for God and really surrender to Him, then all the package will come... so i shouldnt really be searching for happiness, but searching for the One who will give me happiness... i dunno if you really understood me lol xD i hope you have!! please do keep me in you prayers... i'll be keeping you readers in mine too...

well now the video comes =] xD

blessings =]


lol ok im writing this on the 28th of february xD but it's gotta do with this post's topic...happiness...well on tuesday i went late after private lessons to the lenten talk and yesterday i went on the site to listen to fr ray's talk...and illa it was so clear!! he said something about happiness which comes when we love one another!!! :D and thats another answer to my question to God [that about happiness] so i should be focusing on loving God with all my heart, soul, mind and loving my neighbour more and more each day; rather than focusing on being happy!! i should want happiness not for my own selfish needs but to help others ^^ so remind me about this ok when i feel sad?? =D

God blss u my friends
praise the Lord in all u do, for happiness will truly come then!!


Elaine said...

amen mar =]
dw i understood what u meant =]
great video...rly sweet
gb pupa xxxx

Anonymous said...

Well said.